Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Room 12 share their picture books

Room 12 have written and published beautiful picture books. They came to Room 1 and 2 to read us their books.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Football tournament

Room 1 and 2 played in a soccer tournament today-Ellie
I love soccer-Cruz
I love soccer because it is fun and we won all our games-Cooper
Everyone had fun and played well-Connor
Soccer is challenging and healthy because you get fit-Stuart
Soccer gives you energy-Nikau
We got sweaty because it was a hot, sunny day-Patrick R
Football is tiring because you need a drink-Toby
I like soccer because practicing helps you get good at it-Muhammad
I like soccer because it is fun-Bella
Everyone played soccer and we had fun-Emelia
Everyone played soccer and it made us hot-Kora
Soccer is hard because you are not allowed to use your hands-Benji
Before we played soccer we had to put our hats on-Olivia
We are learning to control the ball with our feet-Matt and Lusian
Heaps of people wanted to try and get the ball in the goal-Imogen
Soccer made us very thirsty-Laine
Before we played soccer everyone had to get into 6 teams-Kyla
Some of us had to change pitches and play a new games-Kaleb
We played a game of soccer and we lost one and the next game we won-Michael
The people with the bibs on stayed at the same pitch-Izzy

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


This term Room 1 and 2 have been learning football skills. Here are some photos of us in action.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Keeping Ourselves Safe

Constable Gordon has been at school teaching us how to keep ourselves safe. Some of the topics have been:-
  • What to do if we you get lost
  • Knowing your address
  • What makes you special
  • Good touch, confusing touch, and touch that hurts
  • Saying how we feel
  • Squawk, walk , talk
  • Good surprise, bad secrets
Ask us about our learning in this important area.


We had our last day of PMP on Tuesday. We have loved PMP and every session we have learnt new skills. We have improved our fitness, balance, eye-hand coordination, movement skills and eye tracking. Thanks very much to all our helpers who volunteered their time to support our learning.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Room 1 and 2 PMP Assembly Item

Room 1 and 2 presented an assembly item all about PMP (PERCEPTUAL MOTOR PROGRAMME). We do PMP every Monday and Tuesday afternoon.

PMP is all about learning how our bodies move and developing our brains. Every PMP session has 5 stations:-
EYE-HAND COORDINATION- getting our eyes and hands to work together.
FITNESS- Fitness activities get our hearts pumping.
BALANCE- having control over our bodies.
LOCOMOTION- different ways of moving.
EYE TRACKING-exercising our eyes to help us with reading and writing. 
Room 2 showed some eye hand coordination and balance activities.Room 1 showed some of the activities we do for fitness and locomotion.
PMP is fun, challenging and helps us learn. We would like to thank the Balclutha Round Table who helped pay for the equipment and our wonderful parents who come along every week to help us.
Click on the link below to watch a video of our item. We hope you enjoy watching it.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Light show at the museum

On the last day term Room 1 and 2 went to the Balclutha museum for a science show all about light. Ask us about what is happening in the photos below...