Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Shared reading with Mrs Gregory

We are listening to a story about "Bad Luck Duck" -Kyla
Some of our learning with Mrs Gregory....
She helps us with reading-Connor and Stuart
She took photos of Matt and Michael and put them on a chart with the "M" words. This helps us learn to write the words and learn the letter sounds.
She helps us get better and better at letter sounds. Zack
She makes charts so we know what the blends make. Cooper
She lets us do our alphabet books. Benji
She listens to me do my reading. Jesse
We have to find full stops and question marks in the big book. Kyla
She lets us go for lunch. Michael and Benji
We have been learning about capital letters and lowercase letters. Ellie

We help Mrs Gregory read the Big Book and sometimes we read it ourselves. Charlotte and Connor
I liked "Haere Atu" because the sandflies got  slapped. Patrick R
I liked "Bad Luck Duck" because the fox came and said "He he he". Olivia
Goose helped Duck get out of the mud. Izzy
I liked when the mouse was trying to help the duck in the ooey gooey mud while the Hen and Rooster were saying "Bad Luck Duck Stuck". Kyla

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week 3

We had to sort the toys. I sorted mine into the same colours. Emelia
I sorted the animals and vehicles. Izzy

I worked with Patrick. Connor
We have made graphs about eye colour, birthdays, and pre-schools.

Yesterday it was the athletics sports.
We had fun running and racing. Nikau and Michael
Some people could get the bean bags into the bucket and some people couldn't. Charlotte
We all tried our best. Nirvana
Nobody beat me in the sprints. I was the fastest girl. Kyla
I was the fastest boy. Connor
One time I was first and the next time I was second. Imogen
I liked running because it was fun. Zack
We did high jump and some people could jump it when it was really high and some people couldn't. Nikau
I liked throwing the bean bags in because I could do it. Ellie

I was jumping high. Shanelle
I got better at jumping. Cooper
I came second in both of the races. Benji
Thank you for coming to watch us do athletics. Room 1 and 2

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Welcome to the school year

Welcome to the school year. We have had a successful start with children beginning to learn class routines and expectations. It was great to welcome back some familiar faces from last year and get to know some new ones as well. We have started the year with 24 children (12 in each room). This post is to let you know some of the things that are happening this term and some information about the classroom programme.
Goal Setting Interviews. We look forward to meeting you on either Monday 9th or Tuesday 10th February to find out more about your child and family. We will also use this time to begin setting learning goals for your child. If these days are unsuitable for you, we are happy to arrange another time with you or have a phone interview if you prefer. If you have not yet made an interview time please book online at or contact the school office as soon as possible.
Homework. Weekly homework includes:-
·        Spelling. This will begin Week 3 (February 16th). There will be a sheet glued in the homework book. Encourage your child to break each word into sounds and write the word on the grid sheet as they say the sound. There will be a spelling test on a Friday recorded on the sheet glued at the back of the homework book.
·        Reading. Your child should bring home a reading book each night, sometimes one they have had before. Familiar reading builds fluency and confidence. Some reading strategies to encourage and praise at home are when your child:-
o   Notices their errors and fixes them up.
o   Re-reads to the start of the sentence to help them solve words.
o   Attempts to solve words by looking for the “chunks” or parts of the word they know
o   Reads quickly, smoothly, and with expression.
We encourage you to fill out the reading log at the back of the homework book.
·        Word cards. Children on the first wordlist should be revising word cards in the ziplock bag each night. Encourage your child to make sentences from the words to give the words meaning.
Library. Our Library day is Thursdays. Children can get a maximum of two books out, but no new books will be issued until previous books have been returned. Books can be returned to school earlier and placed in the class library box.
Sunhats A reminder that all children are required to wear a sunhat during interval and lunch time this term. Children may also keep sunscreen in their bags to self-administer.
PE Our PE focus for the first half of the term will be run, jump, throw (athletics). We will also have school swimming during 2nd-6th March
Theme. Our inquiry unit for this term is “What Makes Us, Us” with a focus on building positive relationships.
Please feel free to contact us at school if you have any concerns or comments. Our email addresses are and if you wish to contact us that way.

We are looking forward to working with your child this year.