Sunday, March 8, 2015


Room 1 and 2 have been swimming. Here are some of our thoughts about swimming.

Room 2
Emelia-I tried to duck under the water.
Michael- I tried to go under like Cassi.
Kaleb- I tried to sit on the bottom of the swimming pool.
Shanelle- I can swim with a board.
Hamish- I can lie on my back.
Patrick K- I had a broken foot so I couldn't go swimming.
Imogen- I learnt to float on my back like a starfish.
Bella- I can swim under the water.
Ellie- I can float on my back and look at the ceiling.
Matt- I tried to do back stroke.
Zack-I was floating on my back, with a board, looking at the ceiling.
Muhammad- I can swim with a board
Laine- I swam with my head under the water without holding my nose.

Connor-Next time I will try to do streamline on my back.
Jesse- I can do back stroke and freestyle.
Nikau- I can dive under the water without splashing.
Cooper- I can sit on the bottom of the pool. I go jump, jump, blow bubbles and then I'm on the bottom.
Benji- I like when Cassi let us have free time.
Izzy- I tried to do back stroke in the big pool.
Olivia- I can go in the learner's pool now.
Jeanette- I like blowing bubbles in the pool.
Nirvana- It was hard to do back stroke.
Patrick R- I am a bit scared to go in the biggest pool where adults go.
Stuart- My dad takes me to the big pool. I can jump into the big pool off the blocks.
Kyla-I can go in the big pool and do strokes with arms. I can put the board on my tummy and swim on my back.
Charlotte- Mrs Clark said I hardly need the board to float.


  1. Hi, I really liked reading all your swimming comments Room 1 and 2. I hope I can be parent help next time in swimming as I enjoyed helping out. My group were really fast swimmers! Thanks Charlotte for sharing you blog with your family.

  2. Wow, it sounds like lot's of new skills were learnt at the pool last week. You will be looking forward to going swimming with your family so you can show them all the things you can do now.

  3. What lovely writing about swimming Room 1 and 2. I do like reading your stories and hearing about all the exciting things you get to do.
    Mrs Simpson

  4. Hi Room 1&2 So nice to hear all the wonderful writing you have been doing about swimming! Sounds like you all are becoming confident swimmers! Keep up the good work and the fabulous writing! :) Miss McElrea
