Monday, April 4, 2016

Investigating a wasp nest

On Tuesday Mrs Clark brought in a wasps nest that Mr Clark had destroyed at their house. Rooms 1 and 2 put on their scientist hats and took a closer look at the nest.
We were able to see that there were layers to the nest and that these layers were made up of many hexagon shaped cells. We also saw some eggs, larvae and dead wasps in these cells. The nest smelled badly of petrol and decomposing wasps.
Mrs Clark informed us that the queen wasp lays the eggs in the cells. These eggs then hatch into larvae. After awhile the larvae makes a chrysalis (just like a butterfly) and then out comes a wasp. 
We were all very intrigued! 


  1. Wow Room 1 and 2, you were so lucky to see this! Not many people get to see a real wasps's nest! So wasps are not just bad - they are also clever and interesting!

  2. Wow Room 1 and 2, you were so lucky to see this! Not many people get to see a real wasps's nest! So wasps are not just bad - they are also clever and interesting!

  3. that looks like fun

  4. That looks interesting and fun

  5. That looks interesting and fun
