Monday, March 7, 2016

Making crazy hair

On Friday afternoon Rooms 1 and 2 made 'grass heads'. Earlier in the week Miss McDiarmid took a picture of us pulling a silly face. She stuck these onto a plastic cup and explained that we were going to plant some cress seeds so that they grew out of the top of the cup and looked as though we had crazy hair. This is how we made them;
First we went outside- Isabella
Then we put dirt in our cups- Katie
Next we used our fingers to make holes in the dirt - Jack
After that we put the seeds in the cups- Riley
Then we put some more dirt in the cups so that our seeds were hidden- Kase
Lastly we watered our seeds so that they can grow -Ryan

We know that seeds need sunshine and water to grow. We have left them in the sun in Room 1 and we are taking turns to water them every morning. 

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see how quickly your hair grows
