Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Making milky milos...mmm!

This morning we had a learning experience about the letter "m". How many "m's" can you count?

We moved like mice to the staffroom. We made frothy milk in the milk machine. We mixed milo, milk and marshmallows in a mug. We used our magnificent manners and enjoyed our milky milos with a mallow puff. Mmmm! Many of us made milky moustaches. Then we mopped up our mess and moved like mice back to the classroom to write about it. Read our marvellous stories on the classroom wall!

Everyone say "Mmmmm!"


  1. You must have moved like mice because I didn't hear a peep. I love the alliteration in your story. Maybe I might make a marvelous milky milkshake too.

  2. How much fun was that!!! You could have popped through to Room 4 with some for me. Well done Room 1 and 2 you are awesome!!

  3. How much fun was that!!! You could have popped through to Room 4 with some for me. Well done Room 1 and 2 you are awesome!!
